If you’re comfortable with an indoor class, you can attend one of my Yin Yoga classes at VIVE LA YOGA in San Pedro. If you’re not comfortable for indoor yoga yet, I’m still offering a weekly hatha-vinyasa yoga in the park on Sundays.

What Is Yoga?

The word yoga (योग), means to “yoke” or “bind,” and is often interpreted as "union" or a method of discipline.

The Indian sage Patanjali compiled the Yoga Sutras 2,000 years ago. The Sutras are 195 short verses that serve as an ethical and philosophical guide for most of the yoga that is practiced today. It also outlines eight limbs of yoga:

  • Yama (यम), be good to others

  • Niyama (नियम), be good to yourself

  • Asana (आसन), postures

  • Pranayama (प्राणायाम), breathing exercises

  • Pratyahara (प्रत्याहार), withdrawal of the senses

  • Dharana (धारणा), concentration

  • Dhyana (ध्यान), meditation

  • Samadhi (समाधि), mental activity fully restrained by meditation.

Most people who practice yoga in the West are practicing asana. The intention of asana is to condition the body so that it can sit comfortably in meditation for long periods of time.

What is HATHA yoga?

Hatha (pronounced, ha-ta) yoga is a generic term that refers to any type of yoga that teaches physical postures.

What is VINYASA yoga?

Also called “flow” yoga, it is a style of yoga that string postures together so that you move from one to another, seamlessly, using breath.

What is Yin yoga?

The poses in Yin yoga are passive and generally held from one minute to over five minutes. Yin yoga targets your deep connective tissues, like your fascia, ligaments, joints, and bones. Here’s me talking to one of my teachers, Holly Robison about Yin yoga.

Should i eat before yoga?

It’s best to practice yoga at least two hours after a meal. It’s important to be well hydrated prior to starting a class.

How often should I practice yoga?

I suggest starting with two times a week, for an hour or an hour and a half each time. Most yoga can be done every day with the exception of Yin yoga, which should be done once or twice a week to allow the tissues to rest.

I am a beginner, Can i learn yoga from YouTube?

When starting a yoga practice, it’s best to seek guidance from a teacher. A good teacher will watch for alignment, suggest alternate poses if needed, make adjustments, and ensure safe transitions. If you’re an absolute beginner, private lessons are a great way to become familiar with the various poses.

I am not flexible. Can i still do yoga?

Yes! One of the benefits of a regular yoga practice is increased flexibility! Yoga can help you to become stronger, and increase range of motion. Think of it this way, you wouldn’t say, “I am too dirty to take a bath,” or “I am not strong enough to join a gym.”

What Do I Need to Begin? How should I dress?

All you really need is an open mind and yourself. Many people wear shorts, and a shirt that's not too baggy. Yoga is typically done barefoot. It's nice to have a towel with you. I can provide a mat if you don’t have one, just let me know in advance. As Yin yoga doesn’t create much internal heat, socks, sweaters and sweatpants are perfectly fine to wear if it’s a cool day.

I’ve had an injury. Can i still do yoga?

Most doctors don’t know much about yoga but ask them what sort of movement you should avoid. In most cases, poses can be modified for people with injuries.

Do men do Yoga?

Yes. Yoga is for everyone.

Any other questions?

Contact us.